
Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) is the Queensland Government’s central financing authority and corporate treasury services provider, with responsibility for:

  • sourcing and managing the debt funding to finance Queensland’s borrowing requirement in the most cost-effective manner, and
  • providing financial and risk management advice and services to the Queensland Government and Queensland’s public sector bodies (QTC’s clients).

Public sector clients

If you are a QTC public sector client, visit the dedicated client website.

Public sector clients

QTC’s clients are the Queensland public sector and includes government-owned corporations, government departments, local governments and statutory bodies. QTC builds strong partnerships with its clients to deliver simple and well-designed solutions that achieve quality outcomes for the State.

Client services

QTC offers a complete range of financial advisory services specific to our clients’ industries and business requirements. By acting in the interests of the State and not profit, QTC’s financial advice delivers the best possible financial outcomes for its clients to minimise costs, maximise returns and mitigate financial risks.

QTC also provides high-performing investment facilities for clients’ cash management needs, offering overnight and fixed-term facilities and a managed short-term fund

QTC offers clients a range of specialist education and training workshops that complement its products and advisory services.

Sourcing debt funding for clients

QTC sources funds in the domestic and international financial markets by issuing a variety of debt instruments for institutional investors. Underpinned by the guarantee of the Queensland Government, its debt securities are issued in a variety of markets, currencies and with various terms to maturity. QTC is currently the largest Australian semi-government issuer of Australian dollar denominated bonds in both the domestic and offshore markets.

The funds borrowed in the financial markets are then on-lent to the State and its public sector clients through low cost loans and facilities. QTC works closely with Queensland’s public sector entities, including local governments, to assist them to effectively manage their financial transactions, minimise their financial risk and achieve the best financial outcomes.